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Anime Still Has Plenty Of Jujutsu Kaisen To Adapt

Anime Still Has Plenty of Jujutsu Kaisen to Adapt

Where to Catch Up on the Manga Before Season 3

Season 2 Ended on a Major Cliffhanger

Jujutsu Kaisen's second season ended with a major cliffhanger, leaving fans eagerly awaiting the next installment. If you're looking to catch up on the manga before season 3 premieres, here's a guide to the arcs, volumes, and chapters you need to read.

Gojo's Past Arc

The Gojo's Past Arc was adapted in the second season of the anime. It covers chapters 64-79 of the manga, which are collected in volumes 8 and 9. This arc explores Gojo's childhood and his relationship with his mentor, Yuki Tsukumo.

Hidden Inventory/Premature Death Arc

The Hidden Inventory/Premature Death Arc is the next arc in the manga. It covers chapters 80-115 of the manga, which are collected in volumes 10-13. This arc introduces a new villain named Kenjaku and sets the stage for the upcoming Shibuya Incident Arc.

Shibuya Incident Arc

The Shibuya Incident Arc is the longest and most action-packed arc in the manga so far. It covers chapters 116-190 of the manga, which are collected in volumes 14-21. This arc features a massive battle between the Jujutsu sorcerers and the forces of Kenjaku.

Culling Game Arc

The Culling Game Arc is the current arc in the manga. It covers chapters 191 onwards, which are collected in volume 22 and beyond. This arc follows Yuji and his allies as they participate in a deadly game organized by Kenjaku.

Where to Read the Manga

You can read Jujutsu Kaisen online for free on the official Shonen Jump website or app. You can also purchase the manga in print or digital format from retailers such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
